Please take a moment to read these Archway Classical Academy policies.


Fifth grade is a critical year for students within the Great Hearts network because it is the turning point between elementary and middle school. At our academies, we provide a rigorous curriculum and set the bar high, which continues to result in high achievement. It is our goal to help instill a strong work ethic within our students by challenging them academically and holding them to their responsibilities.

In fifth grade, we are preparing our students for the rigor of middle school, which will prove to be a greater challenge in many ways. At Archway Classical Academy, we expect nothing less than each child’s best effort. Students are expected to turn all assignments in punctually, having put forth a sincere effort. Late assignments will result in the consequences outlined below.

  • Late assignments will receive a 20% deduction.  Students will have one week to turn the assignment in, or the resulting grade will be a 0.

In the case of late work resulting from excused absence (sickness or bereavement), then days of grace will be given. For example, if a student is sick at home for two school days, then they receive two school days to make up their missed work without penalty. After these days of grace have passed, however, the consequences for late work will be applied as outlined above.

Absences and Missed Work

If you know that your child is going to miss instruction time in the classroom, we appreciate it when you let us know via email. However, it is not always possible for us to compile work that your child will miss. Sometimes this is due to the type of lesson, but sometimes it is due to the time constraints of the day. If your child’s teacher is unable to compile the work, your child may catch up on the work upon their return to school.

Please note:

  • Receipt of advance work does not necessarily constitute an excused absence.
  • Excused absences are given for sickness or bereavement and can be granted only by our administrative staff, not teachers.
  • Parents who are volunteering on campus may not come to their child’s classroom to request work in advance of an absence.

For more information about absences and requests for missed work, please refer to our Family Handbook.


At Archway Lincoln, we love to celebrate birthdays in our classrooms with an acknowledgement of the child and sometimes a small gift from their teacher.  If a child would like to bring in a non-food item for their classmates, they can pass that out at the end of the day.  Food items or treats are not permitted.

During the month of their birthday, students are permitted to attend Birthday Book Club, which is put on by the PSO.  They will go to the library to have a small celebration, receive a treat (to be consumed after school), and donate a book to our library in their honor.  Please click here to be directed to more information about our Birthday Book Club.